Friday, September 25, 2020

What do you understand by Programming?

 When anybody hear the word Programming they starts thinking about computers and those bulky and complex codes that a programmer writes.

Programming is not something related to computers only . Yes anything you do  is a programming. Like when you were in your nursery class and you didn't have knowledge of anything but you were able to speak,listen,feel and express.

Then your teacher started you teaching alphabets of different of Hindi ,English or both and Numbers . Slowly slowly you learned how to write words , names and how to do operations on numbers.

This process is also a type of programming , programming human being.

You might have seen some people have their pets and some people use to earn money by showing dances of their pets like monkeys, snakes . 

They train these animals some techniques and after doing same thing those animals get programmed . 

The term programming is like training and it can be anything - Human Being , Animals or Computers.

This is my first blog on Blogger and I will be sharing much more things with you .

Thanks for reading. 

Abhinandan Mishra

Author & Editor

Dedicated to learning and making use of that learning by sharing that knowledge with everyone.


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