Sunday, February 21, 2021

How I started my Coding life without any prior knowledge of Coding?

After being failed in JEE-2019 , I got admission in Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology, Gorakhpur,Uttar Pradesh.

When I entered college my first priority was to enjoy life and make Friends then do anything.

I remember that was my first day of class (in August 2019), Teacher was asking questions about Coding and Other things. Some of my batchmates were answering that and I wasn’t even understanding the questions.

I decided to learn Programming that day and in class our HOD was teaching us Linux and bash programming and I had so difficulty in that.
I  decided that I will do my best to learn it. One of my batchmates was ready to teach me but he needed more people to start teaching and I brought two more learners but they ruined our class.

Learning Starts

Then in the last of September, I started learning C Language from the Mysirg channel on YouTube and his content is awesome.

But just watching lectures wasn’t enough for that I have to code somewhere so that I can take part in college events. So one day(16 September 2019) I made an account on Hackerrank and I faced a great problem in just printing Hello World (In C it’s not that easy for beginners without any guidance though). I solved that problem but I didn’t open HackerRank till December. (because of fear)

Are you bored??…………………………

You are nothing without practicing.
So I practiced problems of Book( written by Yashwan Kanetkar) just on codeblocks and once I made confidence on doing questions.

        In the last of December 2019, I started Hackerrank again, and Now I didn't stop before 4th star in C language.

After that, I wasn’t proficient in C but I have confidence in C at least I can solve problems .

Solving problems is main motive of Programming and Life also.

Now I have learned too much in Coding and Programming but still learning.

You can go to my Linkedin Profile to see where I am in 10 months of my College.

I know If I can do it Everyone can do it .

This answer was written on my medium blog on 20/05/2020.

Thanks for reading!

Jai Hind

Abhinandan Mishra

Author & Editor

Dedicated to learning and making use of that learning by sharing that knowledge with everyone.